Deutsche Fassung


The Rebalancing Team, Salila Fuchs and Neeten Hendrich started the Rebalancing Institute, and have been offering trainings from 1996 to the present. Both Neeten and Salila are certified to teach Rebalancing. As a team with many years teaching experience between them, they bring humor, depth of knowledge of not only the teaching material, but of the life transforming power of the work as well. Based in meditation and self knowledge, Rebalancing is a powerful method of self discovery and transformation, and Neeten and Salila take great joy in working on that level with their students.

Testimonials »

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Salila Elenore Fuchs

Salila Fuchs

Salila Fuchs holds an M.A. degree in Political Science and English literature. She worked for a time as high-school teacher in Germany. In the United States she was trained in the bodywork called Rebalancing (1984). Ever since she has been giving sessions in Rebalancing, and started also to run groups and workshops in bodywork.

Alongside with her work as a Rebalancer, she was also trained in Pulsation Breath Work, (1986). Her teacher, Aneesha, was trained by Charles Kelly, a student of Reich. Finding her passion in bodywork, Salila combines breath, deep touch, psychology and meditation to work with people and their issues for not only a better understanding of body issues, but towards more consciousness in their lives.

Sessions in Berlin and Worldwide

Salila Eleonore Fuchs is a licensed non-medical practitioner of psychotherapy based in Berlin (HP Psychotherapie, Germany). Apart from Rebalancing sessions she is also available for sessions in Neo- Reichian body therapy, personal development and trauma work such as EMDR.

In Neo- Reichian Bodywork we use breath, movement and sound to explore the full range of feelings and emotions which we carry inside. In this way we can have access to feelings which were hidden or repressed and which stop us from living a fuller and happier and more creative life. This process will be done in a very sensitive and individually tailored environment.

EMDR : Eye Movement and Desensitization and Reprocessing
is a therapy approach that helps with symptoms of emotional distress , which result from disturbing life experiences, such as trauma and posttraumatic stress.

However, it can also be useful in reducing a wide range of psychological complaints, such as anxiety disorders, irrational beliefs, emotional difficulties such as fear of flying, lack of self confidence, etc.
The therapist directs lateral eye movement, through which fears and feelings of panic will become less and desensitized. Isolated parts will be newly linked and integrated. We experience the trauma or distress as being a past experience, which has less influence on our lifes.
Sessions are available in English and German.

Info: Salila 0049 160 1529189 or


Neeten Hendrich

Neeten Hendrich

Neeten Manfred Hendrich is a Certified trainer in Rebalancing (also known as Faszienmassage) since 1994, and is also trained in other bodywork methods.

Sessions available with Neeten

  • Faszien Massage session (Rebalancing)
  • Relaxation Massage
  • Neoreichian body work session
  • Reflexology
  • Ayurveda Yoga massage session
  • Biodynamic Cranio Sacral Balancing session

He has been a bodyworker since 1988 and practicing meditation since 1977. Currently his practice includes individual sessions, groups and trainings in Rebalancing, Ayurvedic Yoga massage, and Joint release bodywork.

In about 30 years of teaching Rebalancing in India, Taiwan, China and Germany, about 450 students have graduated and most of them are making their living from Rebalancing Sessions. His main orientation as a teacher is to share his passion and love for bodywork and meditation. His gratitude to the originators of this work is growing with each new training. Everybody who values the art of being touched deeply is a confirmation that Rebalancing can be an integrated way to live your life.

Book a Session with Neeten

See Neeten's Advanced Therapist Training

Neeten's Rebalancing Training in Taiwan starts June 2018, contact Nancy, Tel: 00886-934-031-389. Email