Rebalancing Training, 2023
Gently shake and stroke, deeply and slowly move with oil. During the process, the client and the practitioner need to remain present. No matter how noisy the mind is, we don’t have any goals to achieve or problems to fix. By breathing, slowing down, supporting and accompanying each other, we can slowly allow the body return to its original state.
My teacher Neeten, from Germany, guides us to dance, befriend and play with our bodies and meditate every day. He is simple and childlike, listens to us, shares his experiences, and gives us warmth and love.
Watching everyone listen to Neeten from a distance in the corner of the room, looking for partners to exchange sessions as if it was the end of the world, and getting under the massage table from time to time experiencing emotional outbreak... These were my daily routines in the first stage of the training.
- Experiencing Rebalancing Massage
Until I was invited by a person for exchange sessions, "Would you like to move to another table for a change? I haven't been there yet. How about we go there and take the place?” So I left the corner and went to the middle of the room feeling the energy field created by everyone in the group. It felt safe, fun and warm. My body clearly felt that it was warm and safe and I started playing around in the room like a child. I no longer needed to crawl under the table to feel safe. I could allow my emotions to flow naturally and allowed everyone to support me with their company.
At the last stage, like a new door opening and new skills being acquired, I discovered that there were different feelings, colors and images in every person’s energy when I touched them… Finding a partner was no longer like the end of the world to me. It became like an opening a surprise box experience and some feelings of novelty and fun followed. The feelings could be like a small cabin in the forest, quiet and relaxing. A free eagle soaring in the valley. Beautiful light-purple flowers blossoming. A pure superhero. A clear and vast ocean with gentle waves… It could also be turbulence or whirlpools.
Every day I look forward to practicing session with a new partner, expecting, waiting and enjoying… Thanks to Neeten for his patience, support and companionship, telling me that everything that happens is okay. If I want to stay under the bed, just stay there. If I don’t want to do gibberish, then just go outside and meditate in my own way... and let me allow things to happen naturally.
Thanks to Neeten that whenever I am letting loose on the ground and don’t want to get up, he just smiles like, "I found you!" and then stays with me on the ground to hug mother earth, giving me a lot of love with his company.
Rebalancing Training, 2024
Osho Rebalancing is a bodywork system developed in Osho commune in Pune India back in the 1980s. The technique includes gentle joint release and slow movement with oil on the deep tissues. It also places much emphasis on the practitioner’s capacity to stay in the presence and stillness at all times through the session. And it is just because of this emphasis on the presence and stillness that touching becomes a dance, and massage becomes a prayer…
In the process of rebalancing, neither the giver nor the receiver need to listen to the nagging thoughts of the mind and force themselves to do this or that. There are no goals to achieve, no problems to fix, and they just need to allow themselves to rest and settle with sometimes deep and sometimes soft rhythm. They just need to allow themselves to give and receive touch with awareness and consciousness, with caring and kind intention, and then maybe by and by one can start to get closer to his/her own body and heart…
2024 is my 11th year of stepping into the field of the inner world. During this period, I have not only received many different kinds of healing sessions, but also put much energy into learning a lot of energy therapies. However, I still cannot resolve the confusion in my mind. I even don’t understand what my confusion is about. It was until I met Rebalancing Massage and Neeten that I suddenly realized:
Since when did I stop feeling connected to my body? I've been staying up late as long as I can remember. When I was a child, I lived with my grandparents. My grandfather was ill for a long time and my grandmother was unable to cope with many tasks. I always played alone at night and faced the emotions that often surged due to my natural sensitivity.
Probably at the age of 5 or 6, for a period of time I often sneaked out of the room with a pillow after my grandparents fell asleep, and sat on the floor in the living room and murmured to the pillow. I would share with it the unpleasant things that happened during the day, and how I missed my parents. I would even imitate the male and female roles on TV dramas, hugging, kissing or making out with the pillow. On my sixth birthday, I drew a cake for myself, and drew a smiling face and put it on the pillow, and invited him to blow out the candles in the drawing with me.
My heart is so sensitive and delicate, and my feelings are so rich and turbulent. Since my family cannot give me the space and support that I need, I use fantasy, games, and creation to satisfy myself. I have almost forgotten this is how I grew up.
But I remember being a child, whenever I felt hurt and cried because of some sadness, anger or frustration, I would hide under the blanket and cry out loud. I would cry myself hoarse and deliberately in a dramatic way to attract the attention of adults; I would occasionally lift a corner of the blanket and peek to see if there was anyone who would seek me, find me, and then hug and comfort me.
I was always waiting for someone who was patient and soft enough to come to me, and then I could finally drop all the disguises and defenses expressing all sadness and anger, wishing for all the joy and satisfaction. And then I realized that over the years, I had never been able to leave that fortress-like bed.
Even though my body has grown up, in my heart I am still curled up tightly, hiding myself in that dark and depressing bed. I know the famine so well, but never met the feast.
These questions bothered me forever, and once the torture lasted long, I could only get used to it, so the questions themselves became the answers, and it seemed that there was no need to be answered or solved. In this way, I allowed myself to be trapped in the past, defined by the trauma, and no longer believed or expected, because I even didn’t allow myself to have the luxury of hope.
However, these thirty days of Osho Rebalancing Massage training have lifted the blanket and wiped away my tears. It has allowed me to review my growth experience and emotional trauma, and at the same time realize how they are accumulated, stored and locked in my body.
When I was little, I could not manage to have met with a good enough adult to support my growth; however, now that I have met Rebalancing Massage, I have become a better and good enough version of myself.
Thank you Neeten for leading us to dance and move freely every morning, afternoon and evening during the training. I never knew my body could be so unrestrained and joyful, and I never had the opportunity and courage to allow my body to be seen like this in front of others.
Thanks to Neeten for his attentive teachings over the past six months, for supporting me to understand my own body and that of my friends from scratch, for supporting me to explore my traumas inside, transcend them and eventually find the strength and light hidden in the painful stories.
Rebalancing Training, 2014
These 2 years of Rebalancing training have been a very special time in my life. A gift to myself. Each time I would go to Parin for a training I was as happy and excited as I were going on a journey. It was indeed a journey of a never ending beautiful discovery.
When I arrived in Parin the first day, I was amazed by the beauty of nature. And then, during all this training I was overwhelmed by beauty, the beauty of the landscape, the beauty of this teaching and the beauty of the people I met, Salila and Neeten and the students. These hills all around Parin and Stellshagen are gentle. I was surrounded by gentleness and this feeling of being nestled helped me to go deeper, to experience peace.
This journey for me was about meeting myself and the others, listening to myself and to the others, being more aware, more alive. Being conscious, loving and healing.
On a practical level, I always appreciated the way Salila and Neeten have to teach. There is no dogma. The dialogue is always wide open with respect. Their teaching is more a matter of sharing their knowledge and experience. It's not only about technique, but a whole way of living including meditation and initiation to psycho body therapies.
So they open the doors of a whole world. Then you make your own path.
And the Gutshaus Parin itself is a little paradise, where the veggie organic food is just a delight with a warm sense of hospitality. I feel lots of gratitude for this training.
Rebalancing Training, 2002
Participating in the rebalancing training is the best gift I gave to myself.
I discovered that the body is the gate inwards to my deepest feelings and sensations through creating more freedom , expansion and trust in my body. I feel that thanks to the rebalancing training I now have a deeper connection to my body, and the ability to bring more awareness to my body, my mind, and my movement while giving session. I also learned to appreciate my body , to trust my hands and to use my intuition .
I learned through being aware to the judgments I have on myself, to see what each client reflects and shows me on my own growth process, how to work with my breath and how to "fall" energetically to the client. And how through breath and the power of imagination one can touch deeply into the source of tension and release it.
And mainly I discovered the deep meditation and quality of my presence that is a healing force for me and for the client.
Rebalancing Training, 1999
I got to know rebalancing during my first massageschool where it was one of many different 'techniques' I immediately felt 'this is different', I like this! So a couple of years later i went for the full training in Pune with Salila and Neeten and three other teachers. The words that come to me to tell what i liked so much are the loving and respectful way to be with another person.
The training itself was lifechanging to me. It was an intense process that shook everything from its place.
I ended the training in 1999 and I continued working with people in Utrecht, Holland. The sessions i give since i ended the training are more and more purely rebalancing, because i love this way of work. I also work with children and my sessions with them are more suitable for the soft bodies of children. The beauty of rebalancing to me is that there are so many layers to the 'techniques'. every time I can learn more on another level.
Rebalancing Training, 2004
I got to know rebalancing during my first massageschool where it was one of many different 'techniques' I immediately felt 'this is different', I like this! So a couple of years later i went for the full training in Pune with Salila and Neeten and three other teachers. The words that come to me to tell what i liked so much are the loving and respectful way to be with another person.
The training itself was lifechanging to me. It was an intense process that shook everything from its place.
Rebalancing Training, 2001
I never consciously decided to become a bodyworker. I was sent into Rebalancing sessions by a therapist to come back into touch with my body and like this stop being violent with myself. The sessions had such a stunning effect on me, that I decided to go through the whole process by doing the entire training.
It was a journey through ups and downs. Intense, but very beautiful and always hold securely by the staff. My body changed throughout the 3 months as well as my mind and my inner belief system. I encountered intense emotions and also moments of joy and empowerment when I had the courage to stay, look and move through difficulties. I not only learned a technique, I learned a lot about myself and healed a lot in myself.
Rebalancing Training, 2006
I took Neeten's Rebalancing training in Taiwan in 2006 for the first time. Last year and this year, I reviewed the training again. This year, I got the passion to give a session again after stopping for a few months. Through the training, I found a easier and more effective way to give a session. There are more advantages as below:
Love, Agyana