Deutsche Fassung

Body Psychotherapy


 Body Psychotherapy


Neo-Reichian Bodywork introductory workshop

August 9-11 2024

This is an invitation to anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of emotional work through breathing, dance, movement, bioenergetics; and anyone who wishes to experience an emotional journey through their bodies. 

Self-awareness by dissolving emotional blockages.


Let life flow on and become freer.

In this weekend we will present the basic insights of Reichian breathwork  through exercises, movement and breath.

The psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich was the first to explain psychological experience on the physical level. In his groundbreaking findings, he developed a form of body psychotherapy that allows and promotes the expression of suppressed feelings. Withheld emotional impulses can control our creativity, life energy and prevent the free flow of expression. 

It is often early childhood experiences that have taught us not to express certain feelings, and these are now stuck in our organism as a blockage in adulthood. According to Reich, these restrained emotions show up as ring-shaped muscle tension (body armour).

This journey intends to give ourselves a taste of space to express some of these feelings.  As they now find an outlet, the internal pressure is reduced and tensions are relieved.

This exploration can ''open'' life impulses that have been held back, so that we can have a deeper and more intensive contact with our life energy. Experiencing letting go, stillness and strength.

When: August 9-11 2024

Venue: Osteopathisches Zentrum für Kinder - Stresemannstr. 21, 10963 BERLIN
Preis: 260,00 EUR per Weekend

Contact: 0160 1529189 / 0157 37186807


Salila Fuchs

Salila Elenore Fuchs

Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie

Trainerin für Neo- Reichianische Körpertherapie (Pulsation)

Trainerin für Rebalancing, Tiefengewebsmassage


Rajani C. Moya

Rajani has been trained in Neo-Reichian Body Therapy. She has been a meditation facilitator for the last 9 years mostly in Berlin, India and Spain and works as a Rebalancing bodyworker. She is a certified nurse and loves to enjoy her creativity also through music and dance.